Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Change

It's been a long time since my last post. Thus the title change of my entire blog. I love Jesus, and I need him. I also love traveling, music, art, the way my wife laughs, great movies and organic shade grown coffee. Mmmm. So simply put, I want my blog to include more writings that just about my relationship with Jesus, and don't want to create another blog. There have been things I've wanted to write about, but felt restricted to my own title. So...I changed the direction of this blog. For any followers (I know of at least one), my sincere apologies, but do hope you'll continue to read.

I could think of no better way to illustrate this change than with a photo of my tack board. In the center, you can see Christ. He is in the center of all the other expressions of my personality and iterests. It's how he's made me and I think he's quite excited about the change I'm making tonight.

1 comment:

  1. love your tackboard.
    mine has some of my favorite quotes...
