Sunday, August 9, 2009

Diner Table Trick #1 - Lemon Teeth

So, you're sitting at the table with a bunch of your friends. Conversations come to a lull and everyone is thinking about what everyone else is about to say that might start the new string of conversation. What I'm about to unveil to you will entirely ruin that moment. Not only will it ruin the 7 min lull, but it will completely destroy it into something that will either release laughter from your friends or total embarrassment from you. I give you...(drum roll)...Lemon Teeth.

STEP 1 - Order a wedge of lemon for your water or lime for your favorite Mexican beer.

STEP 2 - Peel the wedge. Take your knife (from the table - have to say that for all you boyscouts out there). Flip the lemon wedge over (white side up) and cut 5 straight lines through the peel leaving about 1/8 inch of peel in tact along the top rim.

STEP 3 - Invert the peel and place it between your teeth and your upper lip. Make sure the white side is facing outward. Now wait for the laughs!

I'm not sure where I got this from or when I started doing it, but it seems like something I've just always done and known about. So, enjoy the fun and remember guys, it can win a girls heart (well almost)...especially if that girl is a few feet away in a high chair!

1 comment:

  1. Love this refresher course!
    It made me smile ;)
    I will have to try this next time I'm out.

