Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dear God, This Sucks!

Being completely honest with God is not always easy but it's simple. Throughout the scriptures, we find the word "cry." In the Psalms, in some of the writings of the prophets, we're encouraged to "cry out." Jesus wept. God was angry at man. All of these things add up to honesty. I think that God longs for us to be honest with him.

Why aren't we always honest with God? I've been learning how vital it is to my life to be emotionally connected with God by simply expressing my feelings with him. Especially when they're not very pretty. I used to think that I had to use "holy language" or something, as if the God of the Universe couldn't handle a pip-squeak like me getting a few things off of my chest.

If something is really bothering my wife and I, we have to deal with it. Typically it's because I've messed up. I'm angry and she's angry. So what happens if we don't share it? Distance. Why should it be any different with God?

I'm learning that as I share my deepest feelings with God, (unedited) I am able to trust and love him more completely. I so desperately need a place to "tell it like it is" and I've found no better place than the ears of Jesus.

May we all learn how to walk through the wreckage of our lives in the comfort of knowing God hears us.

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